Not sure what the openhealth posting was about, but this realm of open source is old hat to us. We're maintaining OpenEMed.

OpenEMed implements:

        Master patient indexing: PIDS service
        Clinical object repository: COAS
        Lexicon Query Service: terminology service

This product has been in use for some time. The work being done now is to integrate the VistA platform with these services and provide other services like billing, etc.

Dave Forslund and I also sit on the OMG healthcare domain task force, ASTM and X12 standards bodies.

Richard Schilling
Cognition Group, Inc.

Greg Woodhouse wrote:
I'm forwarding this from openhealth. It seems to me that significant
factor in the adoption of VistA or any other open source solution
(sorry, I just can't bring myself to say FOSS) is interoperability. No
one wants to be locked in to a specific open sourc product or product
suite any more than they want to be locked in to a proprietary
solution. Progress on interoperability could do a lot to address the
risk issue.

--- Adrian Midgley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Adrian Midgley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:55:31 +0000
Subject: Re: Open Source Interoperability (was) Re: [openhealth] Re:
OS at
        MedInfo 2007

To what extent do existing FLOSS solutions provide services for a
service-based architecture, or make use of those that might be provided
by other systems nearby or distant?

Two of the Master Patient Index candidates looked as though they might
fit in to such an environment...

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