List Manager (LM) has proven to be a pretty useful tool.  I used it to
(somewhat) quickly build a result reporting tool where the user can search by
DOB or name to come up with a list of test results from our new lab system (the
new LIS doesn't have a search by DOB function.  As most of our HIV data is
non-nominal, the clinic needs to be able to search by DOB to determine new
cases).  Once they get a list of results, they can drill down to look at the
patient demographics, test name/result, ordering physician information, etc.

The LM Developer Guide on the VDL seems to be a draft document, last updated in
1998.  It does a good job of showing the basics, but doesn't show some of the
more advanced stuff I was really interested in (protocols that deal with the
VistA evetn model, for example).  I built our LM application by using the LM
developer guide, but also by studying how CPRS (non-gui) uses LM.  As I learn
more, my hope is to be able to build an application for STD clinics.  Our
clinic here has certian screen flow requirements, based on the sex of the
patient, type of tests, etc.  My aim is to satisfy these requirements with LM.

The biggest limitation, for me right now, is the lack of documentation
available.  THis leaves me with having to learn by trial and error.  I've been
documenting everything I do with intentions of putting it all on the wiki.  So
stay tuned.

I guess the biggest feature is that with the combination of LM, and the Fileman
DBS API (Screenman too), you can quickly build a nicely featured CHUI
application.  I'll find out just how well featured it is as I am demoing my
software this afternoon!


Michael Zacharias

--- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't help you with your question, but could you tell me (and the
> list) a bit about what you have learned about the List Manager so far?
>  What potential uses do you see for it?  Limitations?  Features?
> Kevin
> On 3/22/06, Michael Zacharias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think I have exhausted the List Manager document that is available on the
> > website.  Is there anything else available that would explain more advanced
> > stuff?  Specifically, I would like to learn a bit more about the various
> > protocol types.  This is in pursuit of developing a new STD specific module
> for
> > VistA.
> >
> >
> > thanks...
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael Zacharias
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