On Mar 23, 2006, at 7:59 PM, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:

perhaps we should have an "introduce yourself" week?

I disagree with the idea that people need to feel pressured into announcing their presence or into saying more than the feel comfortable doing. That's fine for informal discussion groups (on lists I've run in the past I've asked -- meaning encouraged -- people to introduce themselves when they first post.) but I don't think it is appropriate for professional groups like Hardhats or WorldVistA. if people just want to read, that should be their choice, and certainly no one should feel pressured into posting to the Wiki.

I do not know how you want to run your organization, but ACM (for example) has meetings, SIGs, journals, and a variety of mailing lists. Or to take an example that is perhaps closer to home (though it really shouldn't be), I occasionally participate in HL7 working group meetings and calls (particularly in what used to be called Control/Query) and sometimes post to the appropriate mailing lists, but I would NOT feel comfortable broadcasting messages to the whole organization, or to jumping into a discussion that is really outside my area of expertise. How Hardhats and WorldVistA choose to run their respective organizations is really a topic for a separate discussion, but please don't make people feel obliged to introduce themselves.

Gregory Woodhouse

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 -- Albert Einstein

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