On May 30, 2006, at 8:20 AM, Jim Pietila wrote:

f there is anyone out there that wants to use Ensemble to act as the

middleware component similar to Tomcat and JBoss, please contact me.

InterSystems is offering VOE vendors and test sites Ensemble as a substitute

for Caché at not extra cost beyond the Caché license or the loaner license

that I have been supplying to all Beta sites and Vendors happily for over a

year.  We have already integrated a PM system with VistA and are working on

a lab system also. 

Best Regards,

Jim Pietila

Account Manager - Federal

* (240) 793-4235

Does it support J2EE applications? What I mean is: If an existing entity bean had been developed for JBoss or WebLogic would it be feasible to try and deploy it under Ensemble? More generally, it's never been quite clear to me whether Ensemble provides functionality  analogous to J2EE application servers or whether it is essentially a J2EE application  server (possibly in conjunction with other functionality, of course) that can be used with Cache as its database tier (with a minimum of fuss).

Gregory Woodhouse

Metaphors be with you.

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