According to this Evans Data Corporation survey, the number of Linux 
developers and Windows developers will be equal by the end of the year 
2006. This development was noted by LinuxToday editor's: '...With its 
dominant adoption rate, Apache may be doing more for the cause of open 
source development than Linux itself. Some survey numbers support 
Handy's theory: 68% of the respondents are planning to code for Web 
applications. Since Apache is the most prolific Web server, it stands 
to reason that the openness of the Apache server is rubbing off on the 
development community. They've gotten a taste of open source 
development and they want more. Now, let's keep in mind that this is 
just one survey, and the numbers may not reflect reality (Evans cites 
a +/- 4% error rate). Plus, having more developers does not 
automatically ensure the success of an operating system. But it cannot 
be denied that the trend is showing a strong growth of Linux 
developers, and sometime in the near future, their numbers will pass 
those of Windows. When that happens, a lot more applications and 
solutions are going to find their way to Linux. "Watching the 
developers is like watching the future,"...'

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