Just thought I'd post a followup.  Thanks for the suggestion offered too!
It was definitely 'weird'...

Background: previously we had a site license of Cache, and were used to 
bumping into our license limit of ~180 users on the system 
simultaneously, and then not being allowed access.  However, recently we 
got under the IHS umbrella, and now have a 400 concurrent user license 
for Cache.
This morning, logons to RPMS started blowing up, as I mentioned, and we 
couldn't figure out why.  It was obvious that there weren't anywhere 
near 400 users on the system.  Nor could we get into RPMS to use the 
system routines the 'easy' way.
Eventually ITSC (and Jawad) suggested starting Task Man manually (D 
^ZTMB), which we did.  We still couldn't immediately get in, but the 
machine got VERY busy (it was all disk, but I can honestly say when our 
Solaris9 box hit a run level of 285.6, I was impressed/nervous).  A bit 
later apparently a device or two free'd up, and we got a RPMS session 
started.  It seems MailMan was doing 'something', and had consumed all 
of our 400 allowed devices after TaskMan restarted.  Strange.  We 
presume MM was delivering some sort of data (Lab Interface, MFI, ???), 
but we're still sorting that out.  In the end the box was inaccessible 
for about 3hrs, but all seems normal now.  There were about 1200 tasks 
in TaskMan listed as 'unknown' but they don't seem to be affecting 
anything now?  Guess we'll clear them up later...

Guess we'll chalk it up to experience...


Luke Johnson wrote:

> Looking for a lead here... our Vista/RPMS system started something new 
> to us this morning...
> Volume set: AKM:SEARHC  UCI: SEARHC  Device: /dev/pts/5
> Device: /dev/pts/5
> Signons not currently allowed on this processor.
> The Solaris server seems fine, Cache seems fine, but it seems like 
> RPMS/Vista doesn't want people to log on.  We can run most utilities 
> from the Cache prompt; e.g. Taskman start/stop, fileman, etc.
> But it won't let anyone attempt access/verify...  From the prompt we 
> can get to programmer mode (D ^XUP)... but when trying to run an 
> option it throws this error:
> Setting up programmer environment
> Terminal Type set to: C-VT100
> You have 3146 new messages.
> ==>  Sorry, all activity on this volume set is being halted!  Try 
> again later.
> Halting at 9:03 am
> I've found references to the kernel code (via google) that have the 
> error messages, but it's not clear where to go / what to do to resolve 
> them:
> http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/rtn/XUS3.html
> http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/rtn/XUSCLEAN.html
> No idea what precipitated this behavior, system has been stable and 
> the most recent patch was 4-5 days ago.  Also, we've tried hauling the 
> database to a second Cache server, and it has the same results, so it 
> definitely seems to be 'within' RPMS.
> Thoughts?  Thanks,
> Luke

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