
Change the file name to ZZZA2XML.m and try again.

This will namespace the routine (i.e. in the ZZZ namespace).  It is 8
characters, and it has a .m extension.  Sorry I didn't mention that.

Then try: ZLINK "ZZZA2XML.m" to "compile" the code.


On 7/14/06, Fred Trotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Hardhats,
>        Kevin T has been helping me with code to get an Array directly to an
> XML format. I have taken the M programming course at the last WorldVistA
> conference, but we did not have time for any hands on work. So I am
> unfamiliar with getting GTM to go, (although I have it installed on my
> computer successfully.)
> on the linux bash command line I type
> >mumps
> and then it prompts me for a file and I enter
> array2XML.mumps
> and I get the following error...
> %GTM-E-FILEPARSE, Error parsing file specification:
> /var/www/html/php4/vista2mm/array2XML.mumps
> I am running mumps from the same directory as the file. The contents of the
> file is at the end of the message. Note that any "real" code was generously
> given to me by Kevin. The only thing I did was to create my own array at the
> top of the file. I am sure that I am misusing white space and/or making
> other significant newbie errors. Feel free to point me to a FAQ, but a
> google got me no where. (As with all things Mumps/VistA, I was overwhelmed
> with the amount of data, and not sure where to start). So I am aware that
> this is very much a "how to get off the ground with GTM" question, and I did
> the due diligence.
> Regards,
> -FT
> P.S. The contents of array2XML.mumps
> file start>
> set test("patient_id")=1111111
> set test("patient_id","fname")="Fred"
> set test("patient_id","lname")="Trotter"
> set test("patient_id","socsec")=123121234
> set test("patient_id","phone")="1112223333"
> set test("patient_id","address_line1")="1005 E 8th #3023"
> set test("patient_id","state")="AZ"
> set test("patient_id","zip")=85281
> do Array2XML("test","result",1)
> zwr result(*)
> Array2XML(pArray,pResult,indent)
>        ;"Purpose: to convert an array into XML format
>        ;"Input: pArray -- the NAME OF the array to convert (array can
> be any format)
>        ;"       pResult -- the NAME OF the output array.
>        ;"              format:
>        ;"                Result(0)="<?xml version='1.0'?>"
>        ;"                Result(1)="<Node id="Node Name">Node Value</Node>
>        ;"                Result(2)="  <Node id="Node Name">Node Value</Node>
>        ;"                Result(3)="  <Node id="Node Name">Node Value</Node>
>        ;"                Result(4)="  <Node id="Node Name">Node Value
>   ;"<--- start subnode
>        ;"                Result(5)="    <Node id="Node Name">Node
> Value</Node>
>        ;"                Result(6)="    <Node id="Node Name">Node
> Value</Node>
>        ;"                Result(7)="  </Node>
>         ;"<---- end subnode
>         ;"                Result(8)="  <Node id="Node Name">Node
> Value</Node>
>        ;"       indent -- OPTIONAL.  if 1,  subnodes have whitespace
> indent for pretty viewing
>        ;"Output: pResult is filled
>        ;"Result: none.
>        ;"Note: example call  do
> Array2XML("MyArray","MyOutput",1)
>        kill @pResult
>        set @pResult@(0)=0
>        if $get(indent)=1 set indent=""
>        else  set indent=-1
>        do A2XNode(pArray,pResult,.indent)
>        set @pResult@(0)=$$XMLHDR^MXMLUTL
>        quit
> A2XNode(pArray,pResult,indent)
>        ;"Purpose: To do the output for Array2XML
>        ;"Input: pArray - the NAME OF the array to convert
>        ;"       pResult - the NAME OF the output array.
>        ;"              Format to be as described in Array2XML, except
> Result(0)=MaxLine
>        ;"       indent -- OPTIONAL.  if -1, subnodes WON't whitespace
> indent for pretty viewing
>        ;"                              otherwise, indent is string
> holding space to indent
>        ;"Result: none
>        new i,s
>        set indent=$get(indent)
>        set i=$order(@pArray@(""))
>        if i'="" for  do  quit:(i="")
>        . set s="" if indent'=-1 set s=indent
>        . set s=s_"<Node id="""_i_""">"_$get(@pArray@(i))
>        . if $data(@pArray@(i))>1 do
>        . . set @pResult@(0)=+$get(@pResult@(0))+1
> ;"Increment maxline
>        . . set @pResult@(@pResult@(0))=s
>        . . new subIndent set subIndent=-1
>        . . if indent'=-1 set subIndent=indent_"  "
>        . . do A2XNode($name(@pArray@(i)),pResult,subIndent)
>        . . set s="" if indent'=-1 set s=indent
>        . . set s=s_"</Node>"
>        . else  do
>        . . set s=s_"</Node>"
>        . set @pResult@(0)=+$get(@pResult@(0))+1
> ;"Increment maxline
>        . set @pResult@(@pResult@(0))=s
>        . set i=$order(@pArray@(i))
>        quit
> <file end
> --
> Fred Trotter
> SynSeer, Consultant
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