The one thing that will be interesting is that you take two of the largest 
vector postscript programs out there.. really, the only ones of consequence, 
and you fold them under the same roof (Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand). 
 Only one of those products will survive (IMHO).

Also, I feel this almost kills Adobe Motion in favor of enhancing Macromedia 
Flash; and you've also got market competing forces in Dreamweaver (with a 
larger market share) to Adobe GoLive!
-----Original message-----
From: Thane Sherrington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:39:34 -0500
To: The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] Who knew?  Adobe buys Macromedia

> At 02:33 PM 18/04/2005, warpmedia wrote:
> >What does either company have that can replace Coldfusion Thane? I've been 
> >out of the loop for 4 years but know that CF as a service run under java 
> >based MX(?) app server now and that job offers requesting CF skills are 
> >few & far between these days.
> I don't look at CF job postings much, but from the people I know who do, 
> the jobs are more numerous now.
> I haven't seen Adobe make much of value recently (Reader 6?)  Is Adobe even 
> interested in being a web server company?  I've no idea.  Thank god for 
> BlueDragon.
> T 
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Anti-Virus]

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