Could be a hardware issue. Works in safemode as safemode drivers don't fully utilize the hardware.


----- Original Message -----

New install XP. Accessing shares on LAN, copying, pasting etc all OK. *But* if I try to run an executable from a share i.e. any install routine, the process pauses for about 1 sec then reboots. No crash dump, nothing.

I've booted using msconfig to disable all startup proggies, .ini's, services (except network) etc. Still reboots.
Yet if I boot in safe mode with networking all is ok. So I suspect a driver. But how to trace with no crash dump? Bootlog shows nothing unusual. Anyone else seen this or have a clue as to the cause.
BTW, re-installed network, video drivers. No virus, malware etc.
It's a new Shuttle box with 1gb Geil ram, MSI 6600GT, 2.8Ghz, 1x 74gb Raptor & 1 x 250gb WD

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