
I use it for my backups and the \mir directory switch is cool, it only
copies stuff that is updated or newer from the last time it was done.

Mine runs on a schedule every nite, and copies my data to the NAS box at
3am every day.

>>Long story so I won't get into to much detail.  We have a machine at 
>>work that analyzes slides and produces a large amount of data on the 
>>local disk.  This computer is behind a firewall (that is the long 
>>story).  We are looking to move this data to our virtual server so 
>>others can look at the output.
>>I have been suggested Datakeeper which I thought was included in 
>>Partition Magic 8.0 but some to find out it is part of Pro.
>>Anyone else have recommendations on a program that will move data and 
>>keep it in it's native format.  Price is not really an issue.


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