Microsoft does not sell ad space on any of the sites. So I don't know how I'd see any Dell ads when I update.

And Microsoft has already said that the information would not be personally identifable. So that would pretty much mean that I couldn't be targeted with ads based on my hardware profile.

You want to know what I see as a bigger problem than Microsoft knowing what type of PC I use? All of these "pre-approved credit" notices I get in my mailbox. I don't like the idea of people sharing real, personally identifable information about my finances without my knowledge or consent. THAT is what bothers me, not if I get a popup for a Dell PC or something equally as trivial.

Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 11:59 AM 26/07/2005, Ben Ruset wrote:

I mean, who really cares if Microsoft knows that I use a Toshiba laptop?

Toshiba might, if MS sold the information to Dell. How about getting a Dell ad when you download updates on your Toshiba notebook? The inverse question if more important - who really cares if they *don't* know that you use a Toshiba notebook?

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