LOL, I wouldn't say that "A+" thing too loud chuck, that's like a HS
diploma. =)
$40 is damn cheap for a reinstall of Windows. You should be charging at
least $90!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Thane Sherrington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: [H] Insane customer #73,484
Here's one for you:
Him: "Hi, I'm installing a new hard drive and Windows on my parent's
computer. It's a Compaq, and the recovery CDs won't install to a 40GB
hard drive. I was wondering if you would loan me your Windows 98 CD
so I can install the XP upgrade."
I do not sell or loan or give software out. If they do not want to pay
me $40.00 for a format job, no deal!
Let's say this direct. If you ain't got at least $40.00 to spend, don't
ring my phone! My A+ did not come easy!