Ahh, I get what you're asking.

I guess the "brand" of PC would be "Generic" or something. Maybe they have a radio button or something for that. As for penalizing, I don't know why they would do that. They know that there are whitebox OEMs as well as retail copies sold.

dsinc wrote:
Not really. I do understand that M$ can/may get the bios string and maybe the MB info. Yes, I suppose my home-built machines are "white box" units. As such, I was really wondering a)how to answer the pc related questions, and, b)concerned that I might be penalized do to white box status.

At 14:13 07/26/2005 -0400, you wrote:

Microsoft gets the branding information from information embedded in the BIOS as well as branding by the OEM into the OS.

When you put a whitebox system up on Windows Update, presumably all they will see would be Award/Phoenix/etc. BIOS and perhaps (I sort of doubt it) the motherboard manufacturer.

Is that what you were asking?

dsinc wrote:

What is your opinion of how to answer the PC related questions for those of us who have built our own PC's from various OEM parts? I suppose I could say I have "Lian-Li/AMD" pc's. Seems like they are trying to link "branded" pc's to past oem OS sales. Confusing to say the least.
At 09:16 07/26/2005 -0400, you wrote:

This is what they ask for when you register:

    * Home, small business or enterprise user
    * Brand of PC
    * City where PC was purchased
    * Country/Region where PC was purchased
    * Place of PC purchase

I don't see what the big deal is.

Information found at:

Thane Sherrington wrote:

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050726.wxmicrosoft0726/BNStory/International/ Looks like Bill will be checking out more than just your CD Keys when you try to download from Microsoft in the near future.


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