Well, quite possibly. I remember spending several days offline with Verizon adsl when, for whatever reason, they were moved their DNS addys about. My router (rt314) would not accept the new addys and update auto-magically. A phone call was necessary to get the new DNS addys. LOL. 2 days later Verizon moved the DNS addys again due to "service expansion." That 5 day period taught me the gist of the 'release/renew' business with ipconfig and router admin. Ha! Ha! (but that was back in the good old days of working and having highspeed).

At 11:00 08/04/2005 -0400, you wrote:

At 11:47 AM 04/08/2005, Ben Ruset wrote:
I've had some problems with the built in DNS server in several Linksys routers. It's very likely that something just wasn't talking right.

Ok, so you think the problem was that DNS wasn't being passed on properly by the Linksys?

You could have your customer set their router to give out and as DNS servers in their DHCP config. Those are nice public DNS servers.

That's excellent information!  Thanks.



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