Well, my soon to be former employer doesn't like spending money on IT.

I actually don't even have AV on my laptop right now since I did a flatten and reload the other day. I guess I'll go back to McAfee after seeing how bad Clam did.

FORC5 wrote:
cheap asses :{)

At 12:18 PM 8/11/2005, joeuser Poked the stick with:

Well I would take AVG over Clamwin...

http://www.virus.gr/english/fullxml/default.asp?id=69&mnu=69 <http://www.virus.gr/english/fullxml/default.asp?id=69&mnu=69>

AVG: 54%
ClamWin: 48%

Why anyone would use either is beyond me...

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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