The 'rest of the world' should make sure their own houses are in order
before they start bitching at US.

On 8/23/05, Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 05:03 PM 20/08/2005, Robert Turnbull wrote:
> >
> >
> >and they whine, "Why does the world hate us so?"
> No offense, but anyone who honestly thought that the US was signing a free
> trade agreement with Canada for the good of Canada, was smoking
> crack.  Free trade is a tool of the powerful that allows them to give a
> little to the weak while getting far more.  I knew this when Mulroney
> shoved it down our throats, and I think it's funny that these no-minds are
> finally figuring this out now.
> Yes, the Americans aren't playing fair.  But we wouldn't either if we had
> the power.  We knew this when we signed the agreement, but we decided to
> pretend that it would never happen.
> T


Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit.
Henry Brooks Adams [1838-1918]

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