You are making a HUGE assumption, that being that enforcement doesn't do
anything.  Most believe that the enforcement is working the way it
should.  It is a deterrent and as such is doing its job.


j m g said the following on 8/25/2005 11:45 AM:

>But how many billions are spent on enforcement that doesn't get
>anywhere.  Why even bother busting kids with a cigarette's worth of
>pot?  Your taxes are already going to the 'war on drugs' and that
>money isn't being wisely spent.
>On 8/25/05, Gary VanderMolen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>The biggest drug problem these days is ICE or crystal meth made from
>>>cold pills and second a bumper crop from our buddies in Afghanistan.
>>>Neither should be tolerated and those found using should be helped
>>>medically, not jailed.
>>Do you want your taxes raised in order to pay for the repetitive
>>medical treatment of those who abuse themselves willfully? I don't.
>>I don't see any free alcohol abuse treatment centers either.
>>Remember, those in jail for drug abuse are but the tip of the
>>iceberg. People need to take ownership of their own problems and
>>learn self control. Don't expect kid-glove treatment on my dime.
>>Gary VanderMolen

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