On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Analyst wrote:

On 1 Sep 2005 at 14:03, Christopher Fisk wrote:

The issue is that the repair, maintenance, and beefing-up of the
levees, the very levees that broke through, was STOPPED in 2004, for
the first time in 37 years, because of the Bushies massive budget

Why didn't the city of NO pick up where the federal government
stopped? I mean hell, it's thier Levees!

How are the locals supposed to raise an additional $40-$50 BILLION ?

WTF do they need 40-50 BILLION to upkeep the current levee's? The Federal Budget was just 70 million for the levees.

Christopher Fisk
Marge: Homie, are you really going to ignore Grampa for the rest of your life?
Homer:  Of course not, Marge, just for the rest of his life.
        Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy

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