On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, James Boswell wrote:

I played online poker last night. How dare I gamble while thousands are dying and homeless!"

WTF Was the shopper there shopping for if she's gonna get upset if she sees someone else shopping. Damn hypcrites.

And that shopper is also secretary of state?


Asking the Secretary of State to participate in recovery efforts near the Gulf is like asking a Sales manager to replace a server on your network. It's not thier job, and they don't have the resources to do so.

Secretary of State deals with Foreign policy, so unless She's going to goto the french and blame them for founding New Orleans in a bad location and demand reparations, what do you want from her?

And hell, shopping for those shoes is very likely a part of her job. She's meeting with foreign dignitaries, going to parties, and generally a very public figure, as such she needs to portray the US in a good light, and that includes "dressing for success".

Christopher Fisk
BOFH Excuse #432:
Borg nanites have infested the server

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