I am planning an upgrade to my main PC which is currently running:
Abit IC7-MAX3
Pentium 4 - 2.4Ghz (oc'd to 3.1)
1GB Ram
Radeon 9800 Pro

Going to put those parts in the kids PC and am thinking I would like to go dual core. Would like to do some overclocking and I spend most of the time using the PC for email, internet, MS Office, DVArchive (shows form my ReplayTVs), burning CD/DVDs, and some gaming. Typically I have more than 3 programs open and running so I figure I might benefit a little from a dual core while multitasking. Have been reading a lot on the various forums such as Anadtech, HardOCP, etc. and it seems like the general consensus is that the AMD X2 3800+ is the best choice right now, but I am not opposed to Intel. Planning on using 2GB of RAM and just a single video card for the time being but am considering an SLI board just so I would have the option in the future.

At one point I had thought I would go with the X2 3800+ and the Abit AN8 Fatality SLI . I have had good luck with my MAX3 and other Abits in the past, but there seems to be lots of little problems with the board on the forums. So I looked at the DFI and ASUS offerings, but they too seem to have problems. Then I think that maybe it would be simpler to go with a Intel 820 or 830 and not have to deal with the NF4 software problems (many say the nVidia IDE driver, firewall, or the AMD cool and quiet software all can cause problems). I do try to take what I see in the forums with a grain of salt, I realize that most people post when they have a problem.

So, help me choos the following:

dual core CPU:
Video ($200-300 range):
RAM 2 x 1GB:


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