Which is why unless the OEM is building with those parts, they won't stock them just to be the kings of 24hr repairs & record profit losses. This is the 21st century after all, buy it when you need it.

Out here in Jersey I think you'd find most of these hole-in-the-wall OEM's only stock what they build with and then a small sampling of CHEAP boards, sometimes one in the same. Oh, and did I mention (yet again) MARK UP, language barrier & dishonesty??

Let's hope so! I would hate to see a section of shelves with 20 different motherboard models on it and ask why so many. The OEM or computer shop would explain, "These are needed to replace any motherboard in any new computer sold in the last 3 years. These are Intel. AMD is on the opposite wall."

The fewer models of motherboards we have to stock, the less loss we have by our product becoming obsolete before we can sell it.


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