Sounds about right.  :)   I still use an AGP 6600GT here, and it's running
Serious Sam II and Quake 4 just fine for now.  :)

>>Hello Duncan,
>>How much is your budget?
>>If you're willing to buy used, you can get :
>>1) 9800 Pro for ~$90 shipped
>>2) 9700 Pro for ~$75 shipped (can be a little hard to find)
>>3) 6600GT AGP for ~$100-110 shipped
>>4) 6800GT AGP for (IIRC) ~$240 shipped
>>Speed wise : 9700 Pro < 9800 Pro < 6600GT < 6800GT.
>>The 6800U is not worth it (seeing as you can get the 6800GT for much 
>>cheaper and OC it).
>>Those figures above maybe with or without 3rd party coolers (Arctic / NV 
>>Silencer, etc.)
>>A 6800NU (non-Ultra) may be worth it if you can get it cheap. They 
>>typically fetch ~$140
>>and at stock speeds are only just as fast as the 6600GT. If you can get 
>>them unlocked
>>and OC'ed (basically trying to get them to be 6800GTs), then they're more 
>>worth it.
>>ATI aside (X800XL, etc.) the 6800GT is probably your best bet if you want 
>>to stick with your
>>current CPU/mobo, as AGP is most likely EOL. It's a damn shame too, since 
>>you can get
>>the PCI-E version of the 7800GT for ~$290 after rebate/s. Now imagine if 
>>there were an AGP
>>at that price! :P
>>Personally, I just swapped out an Abit KV8 Pro (AGP, Socket-754) for an 
>>Abit NV8 (PCI-E, S754)
>>and traded a 9800 Pro for a 6600GT.

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