At 01:05 PM 11/25/2005, Robert Turnbull typed:
I want to burn another Bart CD with utilities on it.

What are the most useful utilities to include on this CD?

First of all you're some what limited as not all apps make good plugins for Bart's CD. If an app writes all over the OS when installing then it's much more difficult to write a plugin for it. Apps like Adobe Photoshop are easy to make a plugin for but I wouldn't call Photoshop a necessary app for a diagnostic cd. I include Open Office in my compilations but even that isn't really necessary. It's all up to you. What do you hope to accomplish? I call mine XpPe because it uses the classic Explorer interface as opposed to using the menuing system that Bart's uses because I find that often I'm browsing the internet for drivers & etc. One could use another browser of course but that just adds to the compilation size.

Some apps are written just for BartPe Cd such as SecureScreen & others like ShowTraf work well with it. I would use something like Sandra or Everest to give me all the info I can gather about the system. ERD Commander may come in handy but the little apps like Salaspwd that lets me bump a user to an admin or create a new admin is very useful. I'd also use a screen capture app that lets you save to a file so that you can cover your behind by capturing error messages & the like.

So whatever apps you like presently see if there is already a plugin written for it. If not then I'm sure there is an app & plugin written for a similar app. The best place to start looking is <> &/or you can download my plugins at <> [apps not included unless they're freeware].

  a Windows Xp based
Diagnostic & Recovery CD

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