My brother used this board. It is, quite possibly, one of THE most picky boards for one of the most picky chipsets. As I recall, it did (at one point) have problems with Corsair (among many others) memory. The main thing I would suggest is to verify you are running the latest BIOS. Or drop that dinosaur entirely. :)

Actually, you could probably disable dual channel mode and be fine as well. This wouldn't even drop performance much, if any...dual channel memory does surprisingly little for the AMD platform in general, even less for the K7 line of chips. Unlike the Intel Netburst architecture, AMD chips are typically far more dependent on memory latency than memory thoroughput. Indeed, dual channel mode actually adds latency, so many times breaking the dual channel into single channel and pushing down timings and/or increasing memory bus frequency results in improved performance.

The A7N8X was the beginning of the end of Asus for the AMD platform in my book.


----- Original Message ----- From: "FORC5" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Hardware List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [H] memory

NF2, have no problem in spd mode, only mode it will run in. Occasionally get memory can not be written/read errors but I do not think those are actually memory problems.
asus a7n8x deluxe 3200 barton ( dinosaur ) :-D

At 09:34 PM 11/27/2005, Greg Sevart Poked the stick with:

Interesting. I've had excellent luck with Corsair's XMS line. Running latest BIOS? NF2/NF3/NF4? Will it run >SPD in single channel mode?

If NF4/A64, what chip? Pre-Venice/SanDiego/Toledo/Manchester (E rev) chips were much more picky...


Tallyho ! ]:8)
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