At 12:55 AM 1/8/2006, AMDSpeed typed:
Correct. I don't need film quality material. Likely going to input video
using a firewire link from a MiniDV videocam. I guess I'll lean toward the
P4 solution. I think I can pick up a P4 chip on ebay for around $100. I can
actually use the Celeron in another board that has been collecting dust and
sell it off.

Will I still be encoding if I were just importing video from a MiniDV
camera? I thought the video was already recorded in MPEG format... I know
importing from an analog video source would mean very intensive CPU usage.

I know DIVX encoding and the like still utilizes quite a bit of cycles from
my Athlon 2.2Ghz 64 processor. I was hoping to bypass most of this
tediousness by using a MiniDV cam as the source.

I've been doing this stuff for years with a Digital8 & input to the computer via firewire is digital not analog & it's usually in raw format. Now you can have it converted to mpeg2 via software or you could get a Canopus card & it'll convert to mpeg2 on the fly. Some of the earlier apps leaned toward using Intel but some of the later ones have started leaning more to the center supporting both Intel & AMD processors. In any case I can bet you dollars to donuts that there shall at least be some editing & as soon as you touch one frame you're going to have to re-code the video. If it's in the correct format already then this won't take too long but if the video isn't because it's was left in the original format then you'll still have to encode it into mpeg2 not to mention convert that to a DVD's VOB format.

Believe me I thought I was just going to do this & that but when I got into it there was a whole lot more this & that to do. If she's just doing some training videos she may want to consider using an app like p2e [picturestoexe]. This app will convert many different still & video formats allowing you to combine them into one video that you can burn on a dvd.

   Wayne D. Johnson
Ashland, OH, USA 44805

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