Dead USB ports happen. There are some devices (a certain Dell Axim?) that have a tendency to burn up USB ports, and of course any short can do the same.

You might try plugging in a POWERED USB hub into the computer ports, and see if devices work when hooked to the powered hub. Otherwise, sounds like the onboards are hosed.


----- Original Message ----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: The Hardware List
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 7:22 AM
Subject: [H] USB Hardware Problems

A computer I built over a year ago with a P4 CPU on an Asus P4P800 SE motherboard came in with inoperative USB ports. It has 4 onboard USB ports and 4 data cable USB ports hooked to the motherboard.

The computer had a format job and clean install just a month ago. The USB ports were working then as I always use my USB external hard drive to transfer data after clean installs.

I uninstalled the USB ports and let them reinstall themselves on reboot. Before and after they looked normal in Device Manager. I checked the BIOS settings and found them to be the same as in another computer with operative USB ports on its same model motherboard. I, of course tried all 8 USB ports. I can boot to a bootable CD with ghost.exe on it and access my USB external hard drive on most any computer without allowing Windows to load. Even this will not work on this problem computer. This tells me it is not a Windows issue, but a hardware issue at the ground level (not even loading Windows).

The only two aces I have left to play are 1. Flash the BIOS and 2. Install a USB 2.0 card (patch job I despise!).

Do you have any more aces I can play?


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