And for doing simple things like this, I prefer perl :)

On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 10:52:04AM -0500, warpmedia wrote:
> Hey Z, been a bit since I've done C, so be gentle if this is wrong as I 
> did not try running it...
> You may want to consider second example using do..while gallons > 0 loop 
> as the better method when n is not known.
> void main(void)
> {
>   float gallons, miles, mpg;
>   int n, counter;
> /* To calculate MPG for each of n tanks */
>   n=3
>   for (counter=1; counter <= n; counter++)
>   {
>     printf("\nEnter the number of gallons used for tank#%i:  ", counter);
>     scanf("%f", &gallons);
>     printf("Enter the number of miles driven:   ");
>     scanf("%f", &miles);
>     mpg = miles / gallons;
>     printf("*** The miles per gallon for this tank is %f", mpg);
>   }
> }
> void main(void)
>       float gallons, miles, mpg;
>       int n, counter;
> /* To calculate MPG while gallons > 0 */
>   do
>   {
>     printf("\nEnter the number of gallons used for tank#%i (0 to end): 
>  ", counter);
>     scanf("%f", &gallons);
>     If(gallons > 0)
>     {
>       printf("Enter the number of miles driven:   ");
>       scanf("%f", &miles);
>       mpg = miles / gallons;
>       printf("*** The miles per gallon for this tank is %f", mpg);
>     }
>   }
>   while(gallons > 0);
> }
> Zulfiqar Naushad wrote:
> >I have some basic question regarding some C program
> >that I have made just for fun (I am trying to teach
> >myself C)
> >
> >Please have a look at the program below:
> >
> >If you compile it then the error will be self
> >apparent, the first time it calculates the MPG it
> >returns zero, the second mpg calculation is actually
> >for the first one and so on :).
> >
> >#include <stdio.h>
> >
> >/*Main program body*/
> >
> >void main(void)
> >
> >{
> >
> >
> >    float gallons, miles, mpg;
> >    int counter;
> >     
> >
> >     
> >     for (counter=1; counter <=3; counter++)
> >         {
> >                    mpg = miles / gallons;
> >                        if (counter == 1)
> >                            printf("Enter the number
> >of gallons used for tank#%i:  ", counter);
> >                        else
> >                            printf("\nEnter the number
> >of gallons used for tank#%i:  ", counter);
> >                    scanf("%f", &gallons);
> >                    printf("Enter the number of miles
> >driven:   ");
> >                    scanf("%f", &miles);
> >                    printf("*** The miles per gallon
> >for this tank is %f", mpg);
> >         }
> >}
> >
> >
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> >

Bryan G. Seitz

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