HDTV was 1st talked about in 1988 or so, took until 10+ years later to become available at insane prices. The only reason you have HDTV broadcasts: US government mandates.

About the same time I remember hearing about Electric cars with the issue being if the battery cooled, it solidified and was toast. That it weighed X thousand pounds, etc... Why now are we getting hybrids and the like? US Government pressures & subsidies.

Fuel cells go back to the roots of the space program...

Nothing good gets mainstreamed simply because it's a better technology when "adequate" tech is being bought by the masses for pennies on the dollar unless that tech runs out/becomes as expensive or the government mandates it.

Luckily truth is behind the scenes at least people are researching new stuff using grants from companies and the government (who want it for military use 1st).

G.Waleed Kavalec wrote:
Actually this didn't come from "the industry" but from MIT.

...but you're right about fuel cells.

On 4/2/06, Thane Sherrington (S) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 06:09 PM 01/04/2006, G.Waleed Kavalec wrote:
It is estimated that commercial products containing capacitors based
on CNT technology are between three and five years away.
Every time there's a "breakthrough" in battery technology, the
commercial product is a couple of years away.  Has there been any
real improvement in laptop batteries in the last three years?  I
can't think of any.  Laptops have started using less power, and have
added extra batteries, but I've yet to see the fuel-cell stuff I read
about years ago.

I think the battery industry needs to take a page from the video card
industry and stop talking about improvements until they can actually
sell me a product.


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