Go buy an external USB2 drive enclosure for a two and a half inch drive. You can buy one at Newegg or CompUSA for under thirty dollars. Then take your hard drive out of the laptop, put it in the enclosure. Now, while the OS is running in another PC, has to be XP, Windows 2000 or Linux with USB support, plug in the USB drive. Your drive / partitions will appear and you should be able to copy your data over to the host computer or to another safe source, like a second USB external drive.

However, all this assumes your hard drive is OK. If the drive is broken then this may not work. But since you made it to the selection screen it probably is.

 While your hooked up there, empty out your temp directory, you can look here

C:\Documents and Settings\your user name\local settings\temp

Now scan the drive for viruses with a up to date scanner, and then scan for malware, and spyware.

Finally, select your drive in Windows Explorer, go to >>File>>Properties... now select the Tools Tab.... first do the "Check for errors" but leave the check boxes unchecked ... then when that is finished use the Defrag tool to Defrag the hard drive.

If you got through all this, then you should be able to put your hard drive back into your laptop and go. If you didn't get this far then hopefully you got far enough to copy your data to a safe drive.

The NOSPIN Group

At 11:48 AM 5/6/2006, you wrote:
I have a PC that all of a sudden, won't let me boot into XP. I get to that screen that says that Windows didn't shut down normally. You have 30 sections to pick an option - 3 safe modes and 1 load last known good system. I've tried all options and I can't get pass this. Basically, if i just let it sit its in an endless loop.

What to do?

This is supposed to be my "ripping" machine, so it has lots of iPod videos and movies I made on there, and some AVI movies for the laptop, too, so I'd hate to lose that stuff.

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