Put an old WRT54GS (rev 4 or lower) at the border, load 3rd party firmware on it, lower security on westel, and use WRT's firewall which can be configured anyway you like.

Alterntively (as I sure someone will note) you can put up an old PC w/ linux + IPTables to do the same thing.

One of the things I fret about is leaving a daemon exposed to the world and have hesitated until I can get working port knocker script running to dynamically open the ports for a single IP.

Francisco Tapia wrote:
I have a westel modem/firewall/router at home.  When I want to use
remote desktop to connect to a machine at work I always need to turn
down the firewall from medium to low.  I'd like to keep my firewall up
at medium, but add the apporpriate service to allow me to connect to
work.  genearlly when you initiate a connection from behind the
firewall you're able to connect, such as from work to our web server. but for some reason I can't from home, I have to modify my fw settings
to low in order to get connection to the work remote desktop.  anybody
have any ideas?

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