wow...that shaved off a lot of $$$. w/ stand for $3300 delivered!  Thanks!

GM wrote:
:: $2399
:: ----- Original Message -----
:: From: "Anthony Q. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:: To: "The Hardware List" <>
:: Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 8:59 AM
:: Subject: [H] Sony KDS-R60XBR1 or NOT
::: My old Sony 53-inch RPTV that I bought back in '99 is starting to
::: go....twice now, I've found it in some funky video state that makes
::: it look as though the guns are misaligned (the first time it stayed
::: in that state for almost two weeks until I did a autoalign). Then
::: it goes back into focus for a time, and then seems to revert to a
::: funky state again....
::: I paid like $3300 for this guy - a 4x3 non HD picture.  Still an ok
::: image for DVDs when its working.  No HD, though.
::: Anyone know if this tech is worth trying to have fixed?
::: As a possible replacement, I'm thinking of springing for a KDS
::: R60XBR1 for about 4k.  A lot of dough, plus I'd have to get some
::: kind of you only live once, right?
::: Anyone experience this unit first-hand?  I'd probably buy it at
::: best buy, to get their reward points. I've got a 12% off coupon,
::: but it ain't good on Sony XBRs.  Any other possible model worth
::: looking at to use that coupon?
::: Thanks.

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