While coming out soon is nice doesn't help them today. If I could get the usb 
to pcmcai today I'd shell the money to get

Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: Harry McGregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:34:01 
To:[EMAIL PROTECTED], The Hardware List <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
Subject: Re: [H] Laptops with goofy PCIEX slot

This is the one reason why I have not picked up a sprint data card.

My current primary work laptop is a powerbook G4 (no slots), and my next 
laptop (personal) will either be a Macbook or Macbook Pro (no slot, or 
express port only).

EVDO Forum lists that Sprint will be coming out with a USB EVDO device soon.


Chris Reeves wrote:
> Ok I have a client who bought some dell laptops. Instead of PCMCIa slots they 
> have these notched pci-ex slots. So no go on regular pcmcia cards
> Which normally who cares except they have sprint wireless PCMCIA cards they 
> can't use :(
> We've found some USB to PCMCIA adapters but everyone has them on backorder 
> and want like $200 for them.  Anyone have any better leads on a solution?
> CW
> Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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