I'll second that in addition to Telnet and/or SSH
access on the 
WRT54G/GS's if enabled.

Chris Shaw wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 01:00:16 GMT
> Ben Ruset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Linksys routers do not work on port 8080. They're
either 443 or 80 ie:
> I beg to differ, Ben. I have several customers with
Linksys routers (different models) & as long as you
set remote administration to 
> enable & select port "8080", you can access the
router from the outside thru your browser by typing in
the IP addy:8080. This setting is 
> under Remote Gateway Access under the Administration
tab on my Linksys. It is slightly different areas on

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