It helps when you have brilliant capitalists like Hugo Chavez making sure anti-american setiment stays strong by supporting the jihadist piglets. Yeah yeah Hugo, we really believe your ambitions in the other hemisphere are diplomatic in nature to combat the great american satan. Nope nothing to do with the fact you are about to cut a huge, risky deal with China, hedging that the potentially devestating costs of shipping your crude across the Pacific Ocean will be offset by outrageously high oil prices continuing to be outrageously high.

Chavez must have added a few more "BUSH IS THE DEVIL!!!!" statements to his UN speech for good measure when he saw oil prices drop just under $60 a barrel. Look for another photo op with Chavez and Ahmadinejad hugging and kissing when oil hits $55 next week.

From: "Eli Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: "'The Hardware List'" <>
Subject: RE: [H] -OT- Gas
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:45:03 -0400

You make it seem like it's a political move, that somehow the oil industry
wants the GOP to stay in power.  Its obvious that the high price of oil
earlier in the year was caused by the instability of the middle east causing
fear and speculation which has all been solved.  Just look what Mike
O'Connor said: "The reason prices are going down so far so fast is that they
shouldn't have been that high in the first place. Two reasons they were:
fear and speculation," says Mike O'Connor, president of the Virginia
Petroleum, Convenience and Grocery Association.

Just cause this strange coincidence happened during the last election cycle
means nothing.....

-----Original Message-----

I think we should go crazy driving, because I'd be after Nov. the price
will go back up! :)

> Let's not go crazy ot, just checking gas prices around the country. Just
paid $1.95/gallon. :)
> Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

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