I tried to setup a three Linksys router setup for my LAN, in order to isolate my LAN from my WAP. I set it up like this

LAN1 ---Router1  ---- LAN   Model = WRT54GS v5
WAN3 (this is NOT a wireless router)--- Router3 --- WAN Model = BEFSR41 v 4
WAP2 ---Router2 ---- WAP   Model = WRT546 version 6

i.e. use for LAN1
use for LAN3
use for LAN2

With just LAN 1 plugged into WAN3 it works fine. But as soon as I plug WAP2 into WAN3 things go screwy. Using a Linksys for WAP2 I have never been able to get a useable signal. I have been able to get a wireless connection but it is hollow. Once I tried using a Belkin Router as WAP2 and was able to get a usable signal, but it was gone within 15 minutes.

Much worse plugging WAP2 into WAN3 causes WAN3 to lock up and stop functioning requiring a power down and reset. And sometimes LAN1and WAP2 is also locked up, and I end up with nothing but three screwed up routers.

I contacted Linksys, and they told me different things. One person told me that this setup is supported but problematic, another said it should work, but I have to disable DHCP and didn't have a clue about how to set it up any different then I had set it up.

Struggling through the help files I discovered that in order to make this work I have to disable DHCP in WAN3, and use a static route. I have tried this. Using the Linksys help files, I setup a static route in WAN3 to LAN1, and WAP2. I setup a static route from LAN1 to WAN3 but the router won't let me setup a static route from WAP2 to WAN3. And while LAN1 and WAN3 worked ok like this it did nothing to help WAP2 to work.

Any attempt to make three routers work together ends up with locked up routers. It should work, but unless I find the right guy at Linksys I am not going to get it to work . I tried to make this work for three weeks until I gave up, hooked up my old Belkin router, and put the three router setup aside for few months.

I have now hooked up a "test" network using 2 laptops, one on the WAP, and one on the LAN, with the WAP plugged into the Motorola cable modem. I am going to give this another go.

I am wondering if I should try a open source BIOS flash, in WAN3 = Model = BEFSR41 v 4. Maybe a different BIOS in the WAN router is the solution, so the two Linksys BIOS won't see each other? Anybody have any ideas, comments, or advice.


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