Well, I hope she's not that. I really don't know what to think of her now.

Jeff Lane wrote:
:: There was a Clint Eastwood film, "Play Misty for Me" which portrayed
:: a homicidal female stalker.......hmmmmm.
:: :: :: ----- Original Message -----
:: From: "Anthony Q. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:: To: "The Hardware List" <hardware@hardwaregroup.com>
:: Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:10 AM
:: Subject: Re: [H] Cell phone records
:: :: ::: Julian Hale wrote:
::::: At 12:46 PM 10/9/2006, you wrote:
:::::: Actually, she thinks I'm ugly.  After we met, instead of just
:::::: walking away, she decided to drive the point home in a very
:::::: devious manner, posing as if she wanted a relationship to lead
:::::: me on, I guess.  However, when I broke things off, she decided
:::::: to reveal her vile plan. Frankly, my the only reason I can see
:::::: why she did this was for her own (and those she works with)
:::::: enjoyment.  This would make such a great the TV talk show story.
:::::: Of course, I'm not going to reveal any real personal details
:::::: here.  She claims to have hacked into my e-mail accounts, called
:::::: past girlfriends, obtain personal phone records, and more.  Most
:::::: of it could be lies, though, because she hadn't feed me back
:::::: anything I didn't tell her. ::::: ::::: Holy crap, she is a nut. IMO, she was mad at you for breaking it
::::: off.  She said all those things in order to try to make herself
::::: look/feel better.  Stay away, far, far away, she's no good at all.
::::: She may even force you to file a restraining order against her...
::: ::: I believe you are 100% correct. Her actions leading up to what
::: happened over the last 24 hours of the break up do not support her
::: actions over several months, with a couple of interesting
::: exceptions.  I think she had a mental snap that took all restraints
::: off, and she unloaded on me with both barrels.  She had tried to
::: pull a pretty sly manipulation over on me too. It worked the first
::: time she did it but not the second time.  The second time revealed
::: her very devious nature. ::: ::: She's 1500 miles away, so hopefully that will mute any evil cards
::: she might still wish to play.  Her personality is such that I must
::: expect to hear from her again, however.  I'd be surprised if she
::: could just walk away.
::: ::: Thanks.

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