Makes sense, what can they do if they decide you've
declared it dead when it's only dying? After all what
are you, a Dell
technician or a consumer? ;-)

SMART failure is a chance to wipe ("testing") the
drive before you
return which could not be done if drive physically
died. Hell you might
even kill it in the process if it runs out of spare

Thane Sherrington wrote:
> At 02:02 PM 13/12/2006, Greg Sevart wrote:
>> I've found that the best approach is to use the
online chat, and simply
>> state that the drive has failed, you need a
replacement under the 
>> warranty,
>> and that you are capable of installing the
replacement yourself. In my
>> cases, they've just sent out a replacement drive
overnight air (with 
>> return
>> label) with no hassles.
> So you just tell them that the drive is complete
dead?  That's not a bad 
> idea.
> T

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