Yes it is

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Bobby Heid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 21:16:33 
To:"'The Hardware List'" <>
Subject: RE: [H] VISTA Ultimate

On another note, I got a copy of Vista Business for watching some MS videos.
Does anyone know if VS2005 is stable on Vista?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jin-Wei Tioh
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:05 PM
To: JRS; The Hardware List
Subject: Re: [H] VISTA Ultimate

At 07:44 PM 2/27/2007, you wrote:
>Hey, it's the first new one in a few years.  Finally retired the 
>Abit IS7 to my bruther to get this one...
>It only has 74, 500, 320, and 200 gig HD's, but at least I broke the 
>Terabyte barrier..  :)
>But yeah, 1067 FSB is nice, Core2 Duo seems OK, and the Intel Badaxe 
>has been rock solid stable so far.
>Gaming  is not  bad, stuff I used to play at 1024x768 on ole P4 3.2 
>gigger before can now be played with
>everything turned on at my monitor's native 1280x1024 rez.  :)

Way to understate your rig :P

My X1900XT, much less your 7950 would most definitely allow a "set 
and forget" (maxed AA, AF, etc.) at
1280x1024 for some time to come. Is that Core 2 OC'ed though?


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