So true! Piracy was rampant in the 80's among those
"in the know" and it 
didn't kill anyone's profits!

I had a RAM slot die in my Dell C840 going cross
country last summer, 
halving my total RAM from 1GB to 512MB. Had to stop in
Montana & cell 
phone in for re-activation or I could not log in to
check my Streets & 
Trips map I was using to navigate from NJ to WA!
Luckily the automated 
system gave me what I need without complaint, but
where would I have 
been had it not?

Since then I realized one of my Dell pressed XP discs
(likely left over 
media from some job I did) does not need activation
nor a key (embedded 
in the setup.txt) and I use that on my systems. Frack
'em, they got 
their pound of flesh, why should I jump through hoops
just because of a 
hardware change? After all I've never called M$ or
Dell for OS support 
and never will/need to, so no benefit to me or money
lost by them IMHO.

FORC5 wrote:
> didn't seem to hurt profits much. >:-}
> current anti piracy can be a pain. There is
something terribly wrong when one wants to change a
hard drive or video card ( in Vista )( I had to
reactivate Vista when I stretched a 200gb partition to
250.) and have to call mother to ask permission.
Especially when MS issues SW to Dell and the like that
does not. Just restored a Dell with RTM sw, what a
pleasure to not input a key or need to activate. And
it was a genuine install disk, not a restore disk
because I streamed sp2 into it.
> I have a customer box on the bench who I replaced a
MB 2 weeks ago, activation was painless but as luck
would have it suffered crib death and I have to
replace it again and windows will not even let me log
on without first activating which I haven't done yet
but will require a phone call which can be painless or
a pain. I have only had them refuse one on a machine
because I did not replace the MB with a exact factory
replacement. SUCKS. Last week the system was down and
I spent hours on the phone getting a system activated.
Most customers have no idea about all of this and I
certainly can not charge shop rate while waiting. 
> I say the 70's and 80's was good for business and
current scheme is not. ( greed )
> fp

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