With a 2k server your should just set up a domain and
join all the 
systems to that. Then if you login to a workstation or
the server with a 
domain account you can access any share secured with
domain account ACLS.

Otherwise windows will default to suppling the local
login un/pw to the 
remote system which sounds like it does not match the
shares ACLS.

Also on XP boxes make sure simple file sharing is
turned off, this 
happens by default when you join XP systems to a

Domains are much easier ways to handle multiple
machines and you've 
already got the server, so why no go the extra mile?

I do all my boxes shares with domain user ACLS so no
matter what machine 
I use, being a domain user I get access.

DHSinclair wrote:
> I'm testing WinXP-Pro.  So far, so good.  Looks to
be very stable and 
> solid.
> I am having some trouble getting my XP machine to
share/converse with my
> W2K clients.  The LAN contains a W2KServer, 3
Win2K-pro clients, and the
> one WinXP client.
>  From my W2KServer, or, W2K clients, the XP client
will not allow me to 
> open
> the "share" directory w/o popping up a login window.
 And, I must login 
> using
> my chosen admin/adminPW.  What gives?
>  From my XP machine I can freely open any/all
"shares" of my other W2K
> clients w/o having to enter any UName/PW combo.
> I suspect this is XP-centric, but have not been able
to figure our how 
> to stop XP
> from demanding the system credentials from W2K
clients.  Suggestions?
> Yes, I do use "File and Printer Sharing" on all
clients even though 
> their are no
> shared printers.  My Brother 2070N is a valid LAN
client that all 
> clients have a
> tcp/ip port for.
> Really confused about this.
> Thanks,
> Duncan
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