That doesn't apply to Win2K which is what he is asking

Ben Ruset wrote:
> If you want an alternative, you can looking at
patching your uxtheme.dll 
> and then getting various free themes off I was running a 
> very nice one before my last OS rebuild.
> DHSinclair wrote:
>> Thought so. Thanks Ben. NHNF.
>> I will look into if I can lift the current +Pak off
the old OS.
>> Best,
>> Duncan
>> At 08:13 05/20/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>>> They're part of the MS Plus Pack. Not free.
>>> DHSinclair wrote:
>>>> Are MS "Themes" locked down or generally
available like for free?
>>>> Like "Dangerous Creatures, Robotz, Ocean,
>>>> Been to google.  Not sure what I
see................ :)
>>>> Wondering.  Wanna dump them/IT on Windows
>>>> (this is part of a PC meld.)

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