Apache is a webserver AFAIK. Don't know if that's what
the executable is 
call though. If you did not install a webserver, then
be concerned. Does 
not have anything to do with FF or extensions/add-ons.

I get the unresponsive script thing when my CPU is
maxed out doing Flash 
but only then and rarely.

FORC5 wrote:
> ever since updating to the new FF I get unresponsive
script errors, so far only at Paypal which I suspect
is more of the problem then FF
> If I increase the time in dom.max_script_run_time
all it does is take longer b4 the popup with which I
can turn off the script then things seem to load OK.
> no bug in IE ?
> Also on a side note I have two processes running
that I have no clue with called apache.exe. not sure
if this is part of FF or something else. whether they
are running or not make no difference in the errors. 
> thanks
> fp

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