Why not just log the % of idle time usage or something
like that?

Most of the snappiness of cleaned or freshly installed
windows is lack of extra 
processes & no fragmentation which quickly fades after
install software that 
adds support DLL's or processes.

Thane Sherrington wrote:
> At 12:17 PM 11/07/2007, Greg Sevart wrote:
>> I don't know that any true benchmark software is
going to provide
>> significantly valid results. A good deal of the
"slowness" users 
>> report is
>> as a result of concurrent software (legitimate and
spy/adware) running in
>> the background. Your standard benchmark application
will run its 
>> battery of
>> tests at an elevated priority. Thus, your benchmark
may drastically
>> understate the actual perceived performance
improvement after you finish
>> your cleaning. You may in fact be doing yourself a
great disservice...
> That's what I was thinking of writing something that
would run through 
> some sort of scripted series of steps in Windows -
open IE, open 
> WordPad, copy some files to a temp folder, delete
the temp folder, etc, 
> but I was thinking if there is something out there
that does this, it'd 
> save me the time.
> I guess I could also time the boot time.
> T

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