Roughly speaking, you can use this INF silently called
for each user (RunOnce, 
Start folder, etc...) like this:

rundll32 "setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall
128 sethome.inf"

Here is "sethome.inf":

; This is the Setup information file to change IE home
page for current user

Signature    = "$Windows NT$"

AddReg = SetIEHomePage

Explorer\Main","Start Page",%REGSZ%,"about:blank"

REGSZ = 0x00000000

Thane Sherrington wrote:
> At 10:09 PM 02/08/2007, Ben Ruset wrote:
>> You probably have to script something to go through
every users hive 
>> and change it. I just looked at Group Policy and
didn't see anything 
>> like "force home page to X", unfortunately.
> Ok, I'm reading up on that now.  Thanks for taking a
look at GP for me.
> T

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