If your not gaming or transcoding video, I'd leave the
9800pro alone since any 
new AGP card is a dead-end in the long run.

Best answer to the upgrade question: "is it working
for you?"

A real upgrade worth the money would mean switching
mobo's which has a forced 
cascade effect of new video, ram, cpu... just to get a
mobo that supports a 
pci-x video card.

Vista is a dead product in my book even if that cuts
me off from DX10 games I 
want to play.

Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
> Ok...I know my PC is getting old.....since I don't
play games, I've been 
> forcing myself to stay off the upgrade curve so
much...I'm still running 
> a Pentium 4 @ 3.06 GHz with 2 GB ram and plenty of
HD space.  I have an 
> ATI Radeon 9800 Pro AGP driving the displays.  I
just added a second 
> Samsumg 204B and I'm running both at 1600 x 1200. 
XPSP2 is the O/S.
> Questions:
> 1) Is there a better vidcard for this system for 2D?
It needs to be AGP.
> Comment: I'm not playing any games these days (not
that I wouldn't like 
> to).
> 2) Also, for mostly office work (I do manipulate
graphics), should I 
> really consider upgrading this machine?
> Comment: I do like "new", but I like to get some
real-world bang for my 
> buck.  Just knowing I have the latest and greatest
ain't good enough any 
> more.
> Comment: Seems like Vista would just nullify any
gains I'd get from an 
> upgrade.
> Thanks.

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