Bah for KVM price gouging! With Dell DRACs (Dell Remote Access Controller) and 
the HP equivalent working with standard cheap ethernet switches, I never saw 
the point in buying into the KVMoIP pricing scam. The new generation 9 Dell 
Poweredge racks dont even have keyboard and mouse ports because hardly anybody 
accesses them directly from the console anymore. 
The typical KVM apologist defense is that $3000 for a KVMoIP product is cheaper 
than getting a $400 DRAC for each dell server plus the extra port required on 
your switch. The reality that *everyone* knows is that when buying Dell servers 
they bundle DRACs practically for free, and needing two ports on a switch per 
server is immeasurably insignificant when managed switching these days costs 
under $10 a port!
> Subject: RE: [H] IP KVM switches> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:20:38 +0000> 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> > We use the avocent 
> kit here, 1 KVM per 2 cabinets. Remote control etc.> > 
>> > I am sure they 
> are fairly expensive though.> > Regards,> > Jason Tozer> Database Analyst> 
> London> Ext 1131 - 3SC.5> > > -----Original Message-----> From: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Thane> Sherrington> Sent: 15 
> November 2007 14:14> To:> Subject: [H] IP KVM 
> switches> > > Has anyone used a KVM switch that is controllable via TCP/IP? I 
> have > a group of 14 computers that are currently controlled by three KVMs > 
> (two 4 ports, and one 8 port.) I'd like to be able to control all > of them 
> remotely via TCP/IP - but I want the local KVMs to still work > - I was 
> thinking something like this.> > > > IP KVM ----> First Local KVM ----> 
> computers> -----> Second Local KVM -----> computers> -----> Third Local KVM 
> -----> computers> > Is this possible? I've read a couple of tech sheets that 
> seem to say > it is doable, but I find that sales material is often 
> misleading.> > T> This message and any attachment are confidential and may be 
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