In all my cases, my m/b I/O is just a bunch of twisted-pair an/or twisted-three sets bundled together with clips/tiewraps. The remote USB business is some really nice flat 9-wire cables. I saved one of the cable bundles from a very old tower case, but now I can not find it! Believe they are unique to the case based on how many LEDS and other status gadgets the case has. I have always found it odd that this one case item is never available from anywhere...I've been to the Lian-Li site many times and never seem to find the internal cables as spare parts.........Good Luck!

At 16:24 11/20/2007 -0400, you wrote:
I had a person who called today looking for the cable that goes from the motherboard to the power button, reset button, and various LEDs on the front of the case. He tells me it isn't a "16 minus one" cable but a "20 minus one" cable. I've always used cases that came with the necessary cables, so I've no idea what he's talking about. Google doesn't find anything under these cable names (and I'm suspicious they aren't really called that.) Anyone have any ideas?


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