YaKnow, UGuys with bucks could really p*ss this peapicker off, but I do
so love living vicariously with what you folks do! Really.  I get ideas from
your choices.....Please don't stop.


At 16:34 12/20/2007 -0800, you wrote:

I bit the bullet and sold off my 160's and 200's to friends and bought 4
new 500 gig drives, 2 for the PC and 2 for the NAS I bought...

Went from having 5 drives to just 3 in the PC, one 74 gig Raptor boot drive
and the two 500 gig data drives.  :)

>>This holiday season I'm looking into NAS storage. I know the buffalo system
>>is possibly the best route for me, but I dunno what to do about my old
>>drives... i have a 160 and a 250 gb disks (both PATA).  I thought about
>>getting seperate NAS systems to put these guys in, but then wondered if the
>>combined cost would serve me better picking up any of the available NAS
>>systems with sata drives.
>>I wonder what others would do in this situation.

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...Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult...

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