Hey Duncan,

I still have 2 of the original 3 Abit BH6 Rev 1 boards running. OS is WIN2K/SP4 
and both have been on virtually continuously 24/7 since I bought them in May 
1999. About the only time they are shut down is when the HDD needs to be 
swapped or the furniture needs to be moved. Both solid as a rock to this day. 
One of them is still in an all-original Enlight case (~1996) with the same 
Enlight PS that came with the case - first machine I ever built myself. 

Too much nostalgia, I know.

Merry Christmas,

---- DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Comments inline..............
> At 11:32 12/24/2007 -0800, you wrote:
> >I didn't think IRQ sharing was really an issue nowadays but I guess you 
> >are using an older mainboard/chipset that this could be an problem. Did 
> >you actually experience something negative or are you just uncomfortable 
> >with the idea of the IRQs being shared??
> No, not really; once I get an OS loaded.  I am dealing here at the base 
> bios (?dos?) level.  I have no OS loaded yet.  Since 1999 I've been happy 
> with Win2K re-assigning IRQ's to whatever it can control.
> For right now, I am dealing with bios and trying to get a clean ESCD 
> table.  I now have a clean ESCD table-the way I want it for now......... 
> LOL!  Yes, I might be just tilting at windmills, too! LOL!
> >Normally IRQ assignments on later systems, PII and higher, had a lot to do 
> >with the particular PCI slot you placed a card in. It was often noted in 
> >the mainboard manual which PCI slots were shared/common. Sometimes the 
> >BIOS will let you manually assign a particular IRQ to certain PCI slot. I 
> >would not blame the cards for the IRQ assignments and if anything I'd 
> >disable the onboard 1.1 USB as well as any legacy ports not being utilized 
> >such as the serial and parallel ports.
> Yes, but this is NOT a 'later' system. It is circa 1998. Yes, it is 
> P2-based. Yes, it is a 440BX m/b, and, yes, it has the 'last' bios for this 
> old m/b installed [possibly NOT properly!].  Yes, I now have the bios and 
> my chosen cards where I want them (irq and slot). Yes, my bios lets me 
> assign to a chosen "PIRQ number/INT#". Have done this; and, as long as I do 
> not install the USB controller card, the ESCD table comes up the way I wish 
> it to be:
> Video card: IRQ09 (is Matrox G200, and Matrox always liked I9 for their 
> cards IIRC!)
> NIC card: IRQ10 (because I read somewhere that NICS run best on I10 IIRC)
> Yes, I can be using with very old (bad) info, but I've used this 'map' for 
> years.
> If I am wrong, I can be educated............... :)
> The issue now is with the hard drive, and/or how the bios "sees" it......?
> I suppose the real question is: What hd geometry is the bios seeing and 
> passing on to whatever OS I decide to load.............
> Even MS-DOS 6.22 sees the hard drive as 504Mbytes; if/when I let MS-DOS 
> 6.22 boot and load. I think my bios is passing some bad data, or, MS-DOS is 
> just not handling what it gets from bios properly.  I can not tell.  Hence, 
> my questions.  It has been a very long time since I have been here.
> And, the last time I was here, I was most likely very lucky to be a List 
> Member!
> >I can't remember the last time I had to pay attention to IRQ values unless 
> >I was dealing with a SCSI card or some early soundcards.
> Ok, Let us not even go into SCSI!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, major magic needed in W95 
> and W98.  Once I moved to W2K, scsi was just plain PFM! No Problemo.  This 
> is not a scsi-related issue.  I am playing with a very old IBM 1.08GB eide 
> hard drive.  I feel like I am back in the middle of W95 days! (And asking a 
> lot of really dumb, stupid questions I should already have answers for!)
> Yes, I can blow this whole machine off. But why?  It still has life and 
> its' own horsepower that I wish to use. Yes, it is >8yrs old. Yes, it is 
> seriously OLD-tech. But, it still answers the reset button and lights the 
> screen with its' G200 (Thanks Winterlight!!!!).  I suppose I am trying for 
> just how long I can make a 440BX m/b go into the future.
> If most want to blow this thread off, I will certainly 
> understand................
> Best of the Season, Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka, Noel, whatever......
> Duncan
> >-Tharin Olsen
> >
> >DHSinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Tharin O.,
> >My order from FrontX arrived this morning. I now have the two rear USB m/b
> >ports cabled to a
> >5.25in front bay.
> >
> >I also tried the Kuotech IO-P222 card to connect 2 of the built-in USB
> >ports of the Lian-Li case.
> >This did not work so well. The IO-P222 seems to grab an IRQ from each of
> >the m/b's PIRQ lines.
> >It ends up camped out sharing with the Video card and the NIC. Hmm.........
> >:(  And, no amount
> >of card shuffle seems to get the Kuotech to play nice.  Interesting test,
> >less than acceptable
> >results.  No harm, no foul!  2 more cards for the "pile!"
> >Best,
> >Duncan

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