Hello DHSinclair,

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:14:14 PM, you wrote:

> 6. Reboot PC to W2K - hope OS picks up new nic(!)
>    (here, I am going to assume that W2K has a default driver for the new nic)
> 7. Admin new nic in CP/Device Manager (ipconfig/all info)
> 8. Check for new 'Local Area Connection'; create if necessary
> 9. Move net cable to new nic; try and connect to other LAN clients.
> 10. If OK; repeat steps at another client. If not OK; Hmm........

Everything was great till 6.
(here, I am going to assume that W2K has a default driver for the new nic)

Don't assume this. Otherwise sounds ok to me.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

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